Monday, June 15, 2009

oh, regina.

i'm so excited for her new album.
"Far" comes out on the twenty third, the tuesday before i leave for colorado, which means i'll be able to listen to it my whole drive and the trip! haha. i've been listening to some of the songs on youtube/myspace and they're pretty great. some of the songs on the album are some pretty old songs of hers that heidi had gotten off of limewire for me a while ago, but the versions are new. it's kind of weird. i can't decide if i like the album version or the origional version better... o.O but yes. i'm super excited.
my favorite song so far is "laughing with". it's about how people joke around about God, but when something serious happens, no one is laughing and everyone is just hoping he's there. i think she hit that right on. the lyrics are on the internet already if you want to see them. i'm too lazy to deal with reformatting the lyrics after copy and pasting them into this window. =P

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