Sunday, December 30, 2007

My New Years Resolutions

Today in church, our pastor was talking about new beginnings. Well, for a few minutes he was. He was actually talking about making the rest of your life "the best of your life", so I was thinking, this will be cool, but after I started listening, he ended up losing me after about five minutes. He was making absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. Anyways, part of it that stuck out at me was when he started talking about new beginnings. Apparently, the Bible refers to 8 as, the number of new beginnings. Isn't that amazing? This year is 2008. 8, the number of new beginnings. Ironic, isn't it? We're starting the new year of new beginnings... Sounds like a good time for resolutions.

1) My first and most important resolution, is to follow through with my resolutions.

That sound's kind of crazy, but I was thinking about this today, and I don't even remember any of my resolutions from last year, or any year for that matter. Therefore, this year, I am going to make it a priority to not on remember this year's New Years resolutions, but follow through with them.

2) My second resolution, is to start reading for fun again.

Ever since the beginning of this school year, I seem to have stopped reading for fun. Honestly, I used to love to read. I've been so caught up in Mr. Atkinson's reading list, other school work, and doing absolutely nothing, that I've forgotten how much I enjoyed reading for fun.

3) My third resolution, is to widen my horizons.

I've began to explore new music this year, and I've actually enjoyed it. Therefore, this year, I'm going to continue to add on to my music collection, try some new foods, and be open to try new things as well.

4) My forth resolution, is to make time for what's important.

Lately, I've been becoming more and more of a procrastinator. Do you have homework? I'll do it later, I have time. Do you think you should read your Bible or maybe pray? I'll do it later, God will forgive me. What do I do instead? I do absolutely nothing. I sit at the computer and check my facebook or talk to friends. When I'm not on the computer, I'm sitting with my family or listening to my iPod, yet I "don't have time" to do the important things. I really need to start getting my priorities straight, and I think this year is the year to do it.

5) My fifth and final resolution, is to find something to have fun with.

At first, I had written to be good at. Wouldn't it be amazing to become a really good writer or photographer or something cool like that? Yeah, it would, but it would also be fun to try to do it whether you're good at it or not. Therefore, my last resolution is to find something I can have fun with and do it.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


This is how it works
You're young until you're not
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
You cry until you laugh
And everyone must breathe
Until their dying breath

On the Radio - Regina Spektor

That is my favorite part of that whole entire song... I don't even know why. It just means something. I can't describe what, but it's definitely something.

So I went snowboarding today. Actually, it was more falling down the hill. There was a little snowboarding, but there was definitely a lot more falling down the hill.

This is basically how my last few days went... A few days ago, my mom told me Mike, a guy she works with, agreed to go to Sundown with us to teach Jon to snowboard. She wasn't sure when. Last night, she alerted me we were going today. Great, right? I could ski or something. Except I just went skiing, no more then 3 days ago. I don't even like skiing all that much. It's okay every once in a while, but this was getting excessive. Oh well. Jon wanted to snowboard. I could do this. On the way up, Mike convinced my mom and I to try to snowboard as well. I agreed. Try until you can't, right? Seriously, skiing is pretty easy, how hard could snowboarding be? It could be very hard. I am sore all over. I fell multiple times. I almost broke my wrists, my butt, and even my leg, but I kept getting up. I kept trying. By about 12:00. I was done trying. I couldn't do it any more. I tried until I couldn't, and then I was done. My whole body ached. I sorely sat in the lodge with my mom, who even sorer then I was.

My brother actually became quite good by the end of the day. As for me and my mom, we went home sore and tired, but full of plenty of hot chocolate. (lol. What else are you supposed to do in a ski lodge all afternoon?) Luckily, I brought my iPod. I also brought my homework, which I never took out of the bag... oops.

I can now honestly say I've given snowboarding a fair chance. Next time we go skiing, I think I'll stick to skis...

Friday, December 28, 2007

Stolen From Jordan... <33

Okay. This is already posted on my facebook, but whatever.

so basically, i chose a bunch of random people, and then, i wrote something down. either that i think of them or what i want to say to them. or both. and i don't have a blog. so i decided notes would

I do NOT like your boyfriend.

I thought she was your friend. Stop being so two-faced.

I can tell you anything and everything. Thanks for that.

Yes, guys are idiots. If you want them to stop talking about you, you need to start wearing clothes.

I just met you, but I think we'll be great friends.

I hate seeing you so sad.

You say you trust me. Why do you have to be so protective?

I don't always show it, but I love you dearly.

You have no idea how much it means to know I have someone out there sticking up for me.

You seem like a nice person. I wish you made better choices.

I don't get why you hate me.

He's a nice guy. He's just not YOUR guy. I wish you would move on.

Did you find what you were looking for?

We haven't talked in a while. Let's fix that.

I can't find the words to express how much I love you.

BFF [end]

I really wish I could help you.

You're amazing. I'm glad we're friends.

I worry about you...

You seem nice enough, but you kind of scare me. I don't know what to think.

I wish you would learn to be your own person. Stop caring so much about what other people think.

I really don't like you. You're a pervert and extremely annoying.

You make me laugh. A lot.

You're a terrible influence. Please stop.

She likes you a lot. Please don't mess it up.

No one likes penguins anyway.

Be careful.

I'll save some money for cookie dough. Just in case you need it.

Art History = <3

All I can say is I love you.

Why am I writing this?

Why am i writing this? Sadly, not even I know. I'm new to this whole blogging thing. Up until now, I've just been reading my friends' blogs, so don't expect much.

Hmm... about me. I'm me. I'm very random. I can't spell, but luckily for you, this thing has spellcheck. I love my friends, and I love doing so. Haha. I basically just said I love to love... I suppose that's true.

Well, we'll see how this whole blog thing works out. Bye for now. <3